Climbing with Children

Climbing with children can be an exciting and rewarding experience. It is an opportunity to introduce kids to a fun physical activity, provide an opportunity to build confidence by pushing through challenges, instill a love for the great outdoors, and foster a sense of adventure. However, it is important to approach climbing with children carefully…

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Climb, Recover, Repeat . . .

Climbing is a fun, exhilarating, and challenging activity that tests both your physical and mental strength. Whether you have been climbing for a long time or are just getting started, it is important to take proper care of your body after a climbing session. Recovery is crucial for avoiding injury and ensuring that you are…

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Keep Climbing As We Get Older

As we age, our bodies change, and so do our abilities. However, this does not mean that we should stop doing the things we love, such as climbing. As a challenging and rewarding activity, there are many older climbers who continue to climb at a high level. Here are some climbing tips for older climbers…

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Become a Stronger Climber

Climbing is a challenging and rewarding sport that requires a unique combination of strength, endurance, technique, and mental focus. As a climber, you are constantly pushing yourself to reach new heights and conquer tougher routes. To become a stronger climber, you need to train both physically and mentally, be patient, and set realistic goals. Let…

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Moving from Indoor Climbing to Outdoors

Indoor climbing has become an increasingly popular sport. It is a great way to stay active, have fun, get/stay in shape, and challenge yourself mentally and physically. At some point, some who have only climbed indoors begin to think about venturing outdoors to climb. However, transitioning to outdoor climbing can be intimidating. Climbing outdoors requires…

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Auto Belays: Pros and Cons

An auto belay is a mechanical device that is used in rock climbing to provide an effective and efficient way of lowering a climber to the ground after they have completed their climb. They eliminate the need for a climbing partner who belays the climber, belaying is manually controlling the rope to hold the climber…

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Stopper Knots

A stopper knot creates a fixed, thicker point on an otherwise uniform rope preventing the rope from slipping through a narrow hole or retaining device. In climbing a stopper knot helps keep the rope from slipping through the belay device. This protects a climber from potential injury in an extended fall or from potential ground…

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Climbing Terminology: More Basic Terms

Climbing is a unique sport and has created its own strange and wonderful vocabulary. Whether you are an experienced climber or just beginning, understanding what others are saying is important. Here are more terms that will have you sounding more like a “rock jock” in no time. 1. Traditional or “Trad” Climbing Traditional or “trad”…

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Climbing Terminology: A Primer

Climbing is an exciting and challenging sport that requires skill, strength, and endurance. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced climber, understanding the terminology associated with climbing is essential. We will explore some of the most common climbing terms to help you communicate more effectively with other climbers and enhance your overall climbing experience.…

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Does the Type of Landing Surface Matter?

PART 2 – Types of Landing Surfaces for Indoor Climbing Facilities The risk of falling is one of the inherent risks of climbing. Indoor climbing facilities strive to provide landing surfaces that help prevent or lessen the severity of ground impact injuries. In part 2, we will explore the different types of landing surfaces that…

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